N is for 9 to 5 #AtoZChallenge

Photo © Jade M Wong

What the hell was that racket?  It sounded like a goddamn lion fighting a flock of eagles.  I looked at my phone: 5am.  My head pounded.  Last night’s leaving party had gotten messy, with tequila, karaoke and an ill-advised snog with Eddie from the mailroom.

Christ, the noise was that stupid dragon clock from Franklin, my boss.

‘I thought you liked Game of Thrones, Doralee?’

After working for the sexist, over-paid twat for twelve years, you’d think he’d know I was more into fan-fiction than fantasy.

But, now, my dreams had come true: the tide had turned, my ship had come in. A lottery win had enabled me to tell Franklin exactly where he could stick his job. I was done putting money in that man’s wallet.

The dragon squawked and beat its eerie green wings furiously. From its mouth came smoke and flames.  Where had Franklin even found something so bloody ridiculous?  I threw a book, walloping it on the head.

‘Shut up, you bastard, I’m retired,’ I shouted. ‘No more 9 to 5!’

The dragon shrieked, flew off the clock and landed on my chest. Its glowing red eyes held me spellbound.

‘I am your master now. You work for me. Forever.’


Bit of a mash-up today.  This is my post for the A to Z Challenge, but is also my entry for the Sunday Photo Fiction, which involves writing a story of around 200 words based on the photo prompt above.  It’s also loosely based on the lyrics for the fabulous Dolly Parton classic, 9 to 5, and the characters from the film of the same name.

 Photo © Jade M Wong.

16 thoughts on “N is for 9 to 5 #AtoZChallenge”

  1. Yikes. Seems the boss likes to keep his slaves for longer than they thought.

    I’m glad you have started to try out Flash Fiction. It is fun, and when you produce something like this – it makes it all worth it.


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