Another One Bites the Dust…Worst Honeymoon Ever #FridayFictioneers #flashfiction

‘I knew those bloody snails were a mistake,’ croaked Benjy’s new stepfather from the ensuite before vomiting again.

‘I had them and I’m fine,’ said Mum. ‘Maybe it was all that brandy?’

Benjy bounced out of bed and grabbed a book. ‘Read me Wimpy Kid!’

‘Wow, you’re hyper. Did you take your meds?’

Benjy nodded.

He needed to calm down if Mum wasn’t going to get suspicious. It was another three weeks until his prescription was filled.

A heavy thud came from the ensuite.

‘Terry?’ said Mum. Silence.

Benjy smiled. Now it would just be the two of them once more.



A 100 word story using the photo prompt above for the Friday Fictioneers.

30 thoughts on “Another One Bites the Dust…Worst Honeymoon Ever #FridayFictioneers #flashfiction”

  1. Nice creative take on the prompt. Benjy is one creepy kid that I think is on his way to being a serial killer.

    Liked by 1 person

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