T is for The Trip: Three Line Tales #AtoZChallenge #3linetales #thetriptospain

Another mash-up for today’s post.  It’s my first entry into Three Line Tales (pretty self-explanatory) using the photo prompt below, which reminded me of the lovely Michelin starred restaurants that Rob Brydon and Steve Coogan are enjoying as they constantly bicker, joke and try to outdo each other with their impressions on The Trip to Spain.

But what are they actually thinking?

Rob: Steve is so good at doing Mick Jagger, he was nominated for an Oscar and he’s got all his own hair;  I’m just a light-entertainment whore and I can’t even do that as well as James bloody Corden.

Steve: Hmmm, I’d kill for a burger and a milkshake…and a large brandy…when can I mention Philomena again?

Rob: Oh, shut up and kiss me, for heaven’s sake. 




12 thoughts on “T is for The Trip: Three Line Tales #AtoZChallenge #3linetales #thetriptospain”

      1. I thought about doing an A-Z challenge, but with my flights of fancy, I’d want to succeed — which would mean I’d want to write them all and have them set to auto-post versus relying on my schedule to allow daily writing for deadlines 😉 Glad the challenges are working for you!

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